Monday, September 12, 2011

West Ham v Portsmouth


  1. I assume you mean Carlton, Filthy ? Lets not get too carried away, I know 4 in 4 games is impressive, but he does have some lost ground to make up for. But if he keeps the current form up, I'm sure some of The First Division boys will come knocking in January. As for Alf Tupper, we go another 40 games that will need his attention, before he can think about 'Arry's next job.

  2. carlton in for Capello, uncle Sam to replace EBJT as skipper and defensive rock.

  3. If the JT is for John Terry, what"s the EB for FR ?

  4. "England's Brave John Terry" to give him his official title!

  5. Much obliged Filthy, there I was thinking it might stand for "Easily Beat" !

  6. that's enough of that! He doesn't warrant any more space.
    Can you tell me the origins of Big Sam being called Alf Tupper?
    Perhaps he's closer to Tupperware than Silverware?

  7. It started right here on Saitch, Filthy. Not only a physical resemblance, but I feel, kindred Northern spirits. Now I have no proof that the young Sam trained in Deep Sea Divers' Boots, or that he knows how to handle a Welders' Torch, but I wouldn't be surprised.
